So another Trimester is over, and what a long few months it's been. Sure it started off a bit shaky (as with every year) but I think things got gradually better after the first month. Here's my first Report in 3eme:
Click on the image for the bigger version. Oh wait, can't read French? Here's a handy translation that I made earlier, complete with my personal opinion on every subject:
French: 12,01/20
Teacher: Mme Thomas
Comments: Overall it's very good and your work on memorisation is excellent. Timothy has progressed in a way that is truly remarkable. Good level of comprehension as well as good method application. So continue and felicitations on your good Results.
Class average: 11,73/20
Highest Score In Class: 15,44/20
Lowest Score In Class: 7,35/20
Personal Opinion: I'm really proud of myself with French this time, and at the start it was definitely one of those subjects where I focused all of my time and effort on getting the best results possible. And guess what? It worked! I mean sure it's only two points ahead of what I would normally get, but for me being an English native this Result is really quite impressive. It's mainly just about squeezing that extra 10% out of every Test.
History-Geography: 14/20
Teacher: Mme Morvan
Comments: Very good work, continue.
Class Average: 10,63/20
Highest Score In Class: 15,25/20
Lowest Score In Cl M/ass: 6,08/20
Personal Opinion: I'm a bit disappointed by History this time, and this was completely down to me being a bit too cocky with some of the argumentative paragraphs and in hindsight, a lot of it could have been refined and more detailed. In short, I made a few mistakes this time. The Teachers notation has gotten a bit stricter as well this year, so maybe that played a part into it as well. The good news is that I'll almost definitely improve over this minor mistake and I'll be damned if I don't see another 18/20 in this Subject on my next Report.
Civic Education: 15,50/20
Teacher: Mme Morvan
Comments: (same as before) Very good work, continue.
Class Average: 10,70/20
Highest Score In Class: 15,50/20 (me)
Lowest Score In Class: 5/20
Personal Opinion: Same comments as before really, but this time I got a few extra points on the augmentative paragraph so I have a slightly higher score.
English: 18,92/20
Teacher: Mme Rouxel
Comments: Very good work, both in writing and oral work. So continue likewise!
Class Average: 14,52/20
Highest Score In Class: 18,92/20 (me)
Lowest Score In Class: 11,96/20
Personal Opinion: Well considering I'm English, this shouldn't come as a surprise! I think this is the one score that we know won't change this year...
German: 14,51/20
Teacher: Mme Guillermic
Comments: Good work and good participation in Class.
Class Average: 12,31/20
Highest Score In Class: 18,20/20
Lowest Score In Class: 7,33/20
Personal Opinion: Boring lessons aside, German has (for the most part) been quite easy. And with a Class as disruptive as this it's a wonder that I can understand anything! I feel like my work in German has been quite solid this Trimester.
Maths: 14,32/20
Teacher: Mme Le Merlus
Comments: Thanks to some serious work and good understanding/listening in Class, Tim has obtained satisfactory Results. He must continue his efforts.
Class Average: 14,54/20
Highest Score In Class: 18,49/20
Lowest Score In Class: 11,06/20
Personal Opinion: This Trimester has confirmed what I already know: I'm actually very good at Maths, but thanks to a lot of stupid why-didn't-I-see-that! mistakes it ends up bogging down the overall score. I had this problem for most of the Trimester but thanks to a few incredible (almost perfect) scores in the last month I managed to really elevate my Score by a few points, and I think I've finally overcome my stupid errors. I feel that I should also compliment our great Teacher Mme Le Merlus for really helping me in this subject. I have really high hopes for Maths next Trimester, and so far so good...
S.V.T: 9,40/20
Teacher: Mme Gandon-Desbois
Comments: Overall insufficient, you've got to improve particularly in the studying of documents or Timothy must be more rigorous.
Class Average: 10,22/20
Highest Score In Class: 15,40/20
Lowest Score In Class: 7,20/20
Personal Opinion: Now granted I've never been that good at S.V.T but this time things have really hit rock bottom. Why? Well the chapter on DNA/Chromosomes/genes was extremely complicated and I think the Teacher could have done a better job explaining it to us. Even after studying the subject intensely in my room I was still a bit hazy on certain details. I'm not saying my low score was entirely down to the way we did things in Class but if it was a different Teacher I would probably have received a better score. And the suppose the subject
Science: 16,50/20
Teacher: M. Begoc
Comments: Very good start of the year. Continue likewise.
Class Average: 14,60/20
Highest Score In Class: 18,22/20
Lowest Score In Class: 10,67/20
Personal Opinion: Science has always been one of my strong points, in fact it’s probably one of my most consistent lessons quality-wise, never straying off the 15-17/20 bracket. This is mainly down to a great Teacher that really makes sure that we all know exactly what’s coming to us when the Test hits. Everything in the Test is stuff we viewed in Class (no trick questions ect…), and everything is written down right in front of us. Really all you have to do is learn it and you’re set.
Technology: 13,20/20
Teacher: M. Bastide
Comments: Overall satisfactory. You've got to further deepen the answers to your questions.
Class Average: 14,09/20
Highest Score In Class: 18/20
Lowest Score In Class: 7,80/20
Personal Opinion: Technology has always been a Top Subject for me. This time? Well the score isn’t as high as I would have liked. You have to understand that around 75% of the Results in Technology are (like English) a collaborative effort now, so most of what I do isn’t evaluated, it’s the team as a whole that’s being evaluated. And to be honest my Team is a mess! There are two other people in my Team and one of them is EXTREMELY opinionated and of course me being the less…shall we say aggressive of the bunch tends to be the one who’s opinions often get snubbed. I don’t even get the chance to pick up the mouse most days, so I tend to write stuff down a lot on paper and get the Teacher’s approval when he does the rounds of all the groups. Now do I think that the Result above would be better if it was just me on my own doing the work? Not really, because I tend to lack the proper formulation of certain phrases (in Technology you have to be precise when it comes to wording, so because of my limited vocabulary in the language I’m immediately handicapped here), I do fail to grasp certain notions about the subject and overall this year has been harder than the previous years. But perhaps if I’m in a group that is more collaborative we could all contribute and garner a better score?
Art: 16,50/20
Teacher: M. Riallin
Comments: Very good first Trimester, the work is applicated and and serious. Felicitations!
Class Average: 13,89/20
Highest Score In Class: 16,50/20 (me)
Lowest Score In Class: 11,50/20
Personal Opinion: Art is consistently fun, creative and Overall just a real pleasure for me. I can’t praise this lesson enough, and the creativity it demands from you is extremely stimulating. More often than not I find to many idea’s to choose from, it’s picking the best one that’s the tricky part. Or in a few cases I just go ’WHAT THE HELL’ and decide to do all of them! Clearly my passion and overall creative drive in this lesson has paid off.
Music: 19/20
Teacher: M. Jouet
Comments: Excellent results. So continue likewise.
Class Average: 15,14/20
Highest Score In Class: 19/20 (me)
Lowest Score In Class: 8/20
Personal Opinion: Music has been a bit ’meh’ this time. Personally I preferred the previous Teacher to Mme Jouet but oh well. We had one Test this Trimestre, ONE. It’s a damn good thing I got a 19/20 in it then!
Sport: 10,50/20
Teacher: M. Radenac
Comments: His level in athleticism and in table tennis is average. Good participation in lessons. Timothy must continue his efforts in the second Trimester.
Class Average: 13,54/20
Highest Score In Class: 17/20
Lowest Score In Class: 10,50/20 (me)
Personal Opinion: To put it simply: ME NO GOOD AT SPORTS! And that surprise Test on the muscular groups (which literally came OUT OF NOWHERE) didn’t help my average either!
Overall School Life Score (attitude in Class ect…): 20/20 (As always, the perfect student!)
Overall School opinion on this Trimester: The Results are satisfactory apart from S.V.T. Timothy shows that he is very serious and invested in his work. He must continue his efforts. Felicitations from the Conseil De Class - Mme Le Merlus
Bravo Timothy! - Mme Philippe
Overall Personal opinion on this Trimester: While the first Trimester is always a bit dodgy I think it’s still a commendable effort. The lessons that I normally suck in (Maths, French) have actually showed real progress whereas my best Subjects have fallen off the radar quite a bit (History, Technology…). But the good thing? I KNOW I can do better in those other subjects, whereas previously I thought Maths and French where a lost cause. Now…not so much. Just think what would happen if I boosted up my scores in History, S.V.T (hopefully), Sport (depends on the ‘sport‘) and Technology like last time? I daresay it would blow all my previous reports out of the water! So yes, there is a lot of potential to do better. And you know what, I’m going to try my hardest to reach that potential.
Overall Score: 14,41/20 So while it’s a point down from what I normally get (thanks S.V.T), it’s still good. I’m rank 4th in my Class if you’re wondering.