Wednesday, 27 October 2010

Last Week In School

This Holiday is going juuust swell.
Monday, was THE get-up and go-day of the Week as I had two (potentially three just in case I a surprise History interrogation)  Tests to revise for! To be fair, they were in Art and Science, which were the only subjects that had NOT yet given me Tests after Tests after Tests to revise previously. The Science and Art Teachers prefer to give you one big Test at the end of the month rather than lots of little Tests every Week. I personally prefer this type of Test-ing, but there is a negative side to it: you only have two chances per Trimestre to get a great Result, but you F*UCK up on one of them and your score goes down the drain. Luckily, I was prepared (the result of almost FOUR straight hours of revising the previous night, which was a record for me) and I exelled in the Science Test (my first 20/20?) and the Art one went well also. The Science Test was massive, packing in just about every question on what we saw in Class, whereas Art was more relaxed but still had a boatload of pure you-either-know-it-or-you-don't-type questions that preyed on anyone that hadn't revised for it. I don't have the Results back yet but all should be revealed when I go back in early November. After two Ginormous Tests back-to-back my hands were sore, I can tell you!
Then we went into Maths...
Literary, I could not have been any less prepared! Just when you think you've got the Test thing sorted, in comes along Maths with a buzz-baton to your back! Don't they understand that I revised for FOUR Hours last night? FOUR HOURS! Well, the Teacher probably didn't know about the other Tests but she could have not have picked a worse time for a surprise Maths Test! I hadn't looked at my Maths book since Friday! Poor, poor Maths. I got 3,5/10 in that Test, and with the exception of one good Test (a 4,5/5) pretty much encased Maths in dog poop for the rest of the Trimestre. I'm truly am gutted about Maths, a subject that I normally have difficulty with anyway but these sudden surprise Tests DO NOT HELP (especially on a big Test day)
I was relieved that Monday was over (I can go on for Hours about the Monday fiasco but its already becoming a heavy Blog post), and the School rewarded me with only ONE big Test to revise for the following day. It was in French and compared to my last dictation evaluation should be a real step up (still haven't got the result yet).
Which wouldn't actually be as hard as you think because I scored 0/10 in the last one (in the poem one from last Week I scored a reasonable, but a barely rewardable 8,5/15)!
Wednesday was fine, I had a Sports Test on Baseball (which went surprisingly well, I suppose I don't suck as much when under pressure!).
I'll now discuss my School trip to Rennes on Friday:   

I had to get up at 6.30am to catch the Bus to Rennes at 8.20am. I reasoned that if I went to bed one hour early to get up one hour early all should be fine (how wrong I was). I got onto the Bus half-awake, and it was packed full of exited kids. They didn't shut  up at all until we had arrived there! We was on a day trip to Rennes, (the biggest city near to us) to spend a morning in the Science Labs and to take a visit to the apparently infamous Rennes "Parliment" (although the English wouldn't call it a Parliment, more of a swank looking Courthouse). It was all fine until Lunch Time, we sat down in the Planetarium, saw all the galaxies that made up the Universe ect... Explored the different periods of Earths History and had a brief visit to the "Natural Disasters" area (the seismic activity section was quite boring). Then came Lunchtime...and the headache. Lunch consisting of a Cheese Burger with fries from a nearby mcdonalds knockoff called "Quick". To be quite frank any memories of the rest of the day are shrouded in the pain of that dreadful Headache, I can only remember looking at some exuisite tapestries and ornamental ceilings from the 15th Century in the  Parliment! God the moment I got off that Bus at 6 o'clock I ran straight home and into my Bed, my head was sooo bloody throbbing! After taking one of Grandma's painkillers (which effectively put me to sleep for several Hours).

Well that was the start of the School October Holidays, and out of the frying pan and into the fire couldn't have been a more apt method to describe this last Week!  
Now if you exuse me, I must now get up from my new habitat (aka B.E.D) to experience some modern sensation called "Exercise". Hmmm, never heard of it. Still, I must get up and do it or Dad is threatening to take the Internet away from me if I don't! Hmmm, Dad, now dont get me started on him:


"Smarmy arse git!" (as quoted by dear Grandpa)

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