We tried really hard this Year, and I think it looks good. Although the picky side of me thinks this festive Tree suffers from a bad case of TMSOI (Too Much S*it On It!). We had a great time putting it up though, we had the Disney Music on and everything! Too bad the Snow didn't hit though, I looked on the Weather forecast and while everything around us is a Frosty/Blizzardy (not an actual word I know) mess, we're pretty much in the cold sun for tomorrow! Check it out here: http://france.meteofrance.com/france/meteo?PREVISIONS_PORTLET.path=previsionsdept%2FDEPT56%2F. So still no SNOW! GOD Dammit! Once we out up the Tree, we all sat down to watch Robert Zemekis's retelling of that good old Xmas Carol! It was pretty good actually (Lets hope Doctor Who can do it better!). Then of course Dad got all tempered with me, I put the Xmas lights on the Tree up BEFORE he could play the Disney Xmas Music (He likes the lighting of the Xmas Tree to be a 'Traditional' Ceremony!
....But other than that it was quite an entertaining evening!
Great tree - Box of pressies to go underneath in the post to you all tomorrow!