Well to be honest not alot happened This Week In School. I failed on a History Test (by my standards anyway), got taught Sex Ed 101, injured my back in Sport (and that WASN'T in the fight to the Death bit) and found out the Weeping Angels true weakness....which turned out to be a heaping dump of Marble!
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Bagguette for everyone! YAY! |
Monday was agonisingly dull. German was us doing a bunch of little grammitical exercises, which were pretty easy because once you've got the basics down you just have to start piling those building blocks on top of one another. In some ways thats the difficulty I have with French, because I was thrown into it at an advanced level without knowing any of the basics. Technology was the Test on identifying the key elements and 'functions' of a system. The Test was on an automised sun shelter that would pop out of the side of your house whenever it was hot outside and give you shade. All you had to do was determine the 'goal' of such a product, identify the elements that composed it and write down their fonction aswell. It seemed ridiculously easy, because the diagramme of the product had FOUR elements on it and there were FOUR boxes that you had to fill in. Even an idiot would go 'Hmm I wonder if I have to write that?'. You had to be careful on your wording though, because you can't just say the fonction of a Sun detector is that it 'Tells you when its sunny and stuff'. No, you have to say 'Detects Luminosity' or some specific wording like that which makes you sound like a scientist! So really its all on whether I worded it right (and in French, finding the exact word is a bit limited for me, I can't just sprout out words like 'It glistened in the Twilight sun' or anything like that). Art was fun, we have scraped the idea of doing our magazine cover on a piece of paper and are now doing it via Photoshop. Also now it has to be based on the College in some form or another, not just any random topic we want. Learning how to use those damn photo tools can be tricky though. Never hire me to do photoshop work. Maths was sufferable, we corrected a few exercises and the Teacher explained a few rules in Geometry ect... so that at all that interesting then!
The Afternoon kicked off with History and I've never seen the Teacher as pissed as this before. She must have had a REALLY bad Weekend, apparently she was ill for most of it and the History Test Results were absolutely abysmal! And also because my Class is constantly giving her hell, moaning about everything and being quite rude in some cases. There's very few people NOT disruptive now, like they all just hit Puberty and are being a big dick about Homework and well...everything! At least I keep my thoughts to myself, everyone else just attacks the Teacher from the moment she enters the door! I tend to sympathise with the Teacher alot of the time, don't I? Just thank god the Class aren't like that to me! Anyway back to the abysmal Test Results she was talking about, the one on the French Revolution. Apparently very few people got more than half the points, which made me feel all the more proud because I felt that the Test went incredibly well. Until I saw the Result...an abysmal 14/20! Yes thats right, my LOWEST Score in History for the past THREE YEARS! How could have I have stooped so low? Fourteen is an INSULT after I slaved for FIVE HOURS revising for this SH*T, memorising the ENTIRE French BLOODY Revolution! At least I had the comfort of knowing that I was still Top Of The Class, but man was I confused, faustrated and surprised all at the same time! But don't fear fellow readers, because the Teacher said that seen as the Results were so bad the first time around, She'll offer us a second chance on Friday to redo the Test (a different Test, but it will still be on the Revolution) and will then pick the one with the best Score...PHEW! But of course that meant I had to revise for another FIVE HOURS again, so that SUCKED! French had us doing a bunch of extremely complicated grammar exercises, to the point where the person next to me (who is nearly Top Of The Class on French by the way) just put his hand up and said he was totally lost. So that lead to about four pages of different grammar rules which just made me even more confused! Oh well, time to prepare myself for another crap Test Result then...
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It doesn't exist in my mind. |
Tuesday was...yeah. This was the day where the organisation 'Par Coeur' intervened with the lessons for two Hours of classic Sex Education (which has quite frankly been pushed down our throats these past Weeks). Great, what kind of horrible torture do I have to be put through now? Maths was okay, the new Chapter on finding the 'consinus' of an angle was pretty easy, and in Maths me saying 'easy' early on pretty much means a good Test Result, because normally I only start to understand at the very end. Or at least I hope so... History after Maths was better, the Teacher made a ten year timeline from 1789 to 1799 charting all the events that happened in the Revolution so it would be much easier to learn and a get a handle of. I think in the Test the problem was that with so much crap going on I mixed a few events and got the order a bit muddled. But hey, try to learn ten years of French History of by heart and you're bound to make mistakes! After History was the two looong hours on Sex. To be honest, it was more boring than uncomfortable and must of the stuff I knew anyway. I don't even really see why we need Sex Education, because if I have any questions I could just look it up on the Internet, or read a Book about it or something! But then again I suppose not everyone has Internet so its kinda/sorta needed. After a month of this, you can almost say the word 'penis' to me now without me feeling the sudden urge to vomit. So we've made progress I suppose? The guy doing the lecture sounded hilarious (you'd think he would be out of a Warner Brothers Cartoon or something) so it was really hard not to crack up everytime he opened his mouth! You got asked alot of questions aswell, namely your interests, relationship with your Parents ect... I might as well just give him my phone number while I'm at it!
The Afternoon didn't hold anything particularly interesting. English was the Test on the Present Perfect (on which only four out of nineteen people got more than 5/10, so a complete disaster for the Teacher). Of course I got 10/10, but then it was hard not to. I tried hard not to get a perfect Score, honest! German was the same as Monday and I won't dare go into Extra Maths before my head hits the ground due to boredom! Seriously, if I had to choose a personal hell, living an eternity in Extra Maths would be it! You might aswell kill me now...
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Imagine this but with a lot more dirty fighting. |
Wednesday was the last part of the wrestling 'trilogy' Test. Basically this was the final round where we were pitted against someone from our 'level' (based on how many matches you won/lost). I was pitted against my first ever combattant (where I lost 2-4 remember), and it got really tense. Basically in two minutes we went from dooking it out standing up to on the floor clutching each others necks! Then we clambered back onto our feet and flew ourselves about for a bit til' we were neck and neck. Then there was the classic 'One tries to grab hold of my neck and swing me onto the ground but I in-turn grab his neck aswell so we both tumble to the ground in a pile of sweat!' In the end it was a draw: 2-2. For the last fight it was definately the best one! I felt like I had really given this one my all. Or maybe it was just the adrenalin. Now excuse me while I collapse onto the floor because I've broken like a dozen of my ribs... Technology was a bit side tracked, the Teacher had forgot to tell us all about what a binary code is or something. Actually it was quite interesting, apparently computers are just a bunch of 0s and 1s. So this text that you're reading now? Well its just a bunch of 01100101010001001010101110010101s! French was me trying to finish the Story on the Weeping Angels, and with the deadline of Friday I had to rush through it like CRAZY. The problem was that I didn't know how to end it, though because I didn't have enough time on my hands I just had to pretty much write it like wildfire. So when it came to the big reveal I basically just threw my hands up said 'F*CK IT! Their weakness is marble! It somehow degrades their powers and makes them permanently petrified for a long period of time!' Only problem was, where the heck is this little kid going to get a slab of marble from? Errrm...I don't know! Lets just say he vandilises the local Church by taking a slab of it out of the altar with an axe! Wait, hang on isn't this a Catholic school? And would an axe break a slab of stone? DAMN! Lets just do it anyway! So in short, in order to stop the oncoming onslaught of living Statues he (with the help of the police force...that we now have to reference early on in the Story so it doesn't seem hacked on at the last minute!) encases the creatures in a prison made from marble, thus stopping their reign of terror. PHEW. I still had a few pages left to do at the end so I left that for Friday and called it a Day.
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They collapsed after this photo. |
Thursday was utter crap, of course due to S.V.T and Sport. Maths was again servicable, it isn't that hard compared to the previous Chapters on fractions and numbers. At least it isn't that boring. Sport was the one I was the most scared about, because it was the Test on acrobatic gynastics and we weren't at all ready. I injured my back doing several roly-polies (of which I had ALOT of them to do) and it made it hell to sit down/get up during the last two days. It only really came together in the past 20 minutes, and to honest I thought the actual evaluation could have gone ALOT worse! The Teachers comments were 'Not bad...' so I think we passed. Also came the announcement that seen as the Science Teacher was absent tomorrow (on a trip to Jersey with the 5emes) we would be having Sport in its place. Yay...S.V.T was a discussion on womens 'periods' or whatever. As with the past Weeks, it was all 'EWWW, GROSS!' The Afternoon was again BORING, German was us corrected the big five-page Test from Weeks ago (I got 16/20 or 32/40), Permanence was me struggling to finish the Weeping Angel story and Music was us studying an extract from something called 'City Life' about sounds of a busy city translating into music.
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Friday was a good day I suppose. I was bricking the Maths Test though *GULPS*. French was the final hour for me to finish my ten page epic on living statues terrorising an old French town. Well we finished it, but only with MINUTES to spare. Its no doubt full of spelling errors on my part. The History Test after that went well, but thats what I thought the last time so who knows now? I still don't know what exactly what went wrong with the last one to be honest, I mean I got points on everything but SOMEHOW they didn't all add up to 19/20. And then I went straight into the Maths Test, and it went....well? Thing is, I haven't got a clue. Its one of those Tests that seemed really easy, but almost TO easy you know? I've made a mistake in the past where I kept over complicating things sooo I decided to give this one the easy answer. The Teacher wouldn't be trying to trick us now, would she? Looks like time will tell on this one. But if it really is that easy, then I should be getting good marks here. The first hour in the Afternoon was the Class in the library reading books or doing Homework, so nothing to comment on. Sport (thank god my back had gotten better!) was a bit of an arguement over what we should do. Half the Class hadn't brought their shoes (for some reason), or more specifically the girls. So while the girls couldn't go outside and had to stay in the Gym what would us boys do? Well it was either handball, Badmington, Frisbee (yeah I know, FRISBEE? Is that even a Sport?) or Football. After a long debate it was Badmington, but because the ceiling in the Gym wasn't as high as the one down the road the shuttlecock kept falling from the sky as it hit the rafters! So it was complete pants, basically two people hitting the shuttlecock back to the other person for an Hour trying not to hit the ceiling. WHICH IS REALLY BOOORING!!! English was another grammatical lecture, so naturally the Class gave up at the slightest mention of the word 'work'. My Class couldn't CARE less at this point. Maybe thats why I (and a few others) stick out like a sore thumb? I don't know, but they have really lost the plot these past few months.
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They are going to BURN in that heat! |
So that was this Week, and it was boring as crap. Next Week doesn't look much better either, because half the School will be either in Spain or Jersey. So once again the Class will be split in two and forced to do more filler lessons ad-nauseum Y-I-P-P-I-E. At least the Holidays are just over the corner...NOT TO MENTION FRIGGING DOCTOR WHO!!!!!!!
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