Tuesday 7 June 2011

Last Week In School: Les Fourberies De Scapin

If you didn't understand the title of this Blog Post then don't worry, neither did I! Apparently it's the title of a play or something that we went to see last Week, which was blissfully short. From Monday to Wednesday, few problems arose in School, for once.

Monday was drab, it was nothing special and for the most part was a boring chore to get through. I yawned my way through German, having no interest what-so-ever in how you pronounce the number 998 in German. And if you think saying it was bad, look how much space that ONE number fills: neunzehnhundertneunzigacht! Yep, probably explains why the Germans don't do checks! And don't get me started on the number 1889! Science was up next, and I didn't particulary know what the hell I was doing for most of the time, all this stuff about electricity was confusing. Apparently the main goal of this lesson was to show us how an electric current circulates around our house, but I didn't really learn anything at all. Art was up next, and the objective was to create a billboard/campaign poster that showed you taking a stance against something. I chose to make a poster revolving around the crazy theory that has been circulating for quite some time on the Apocalypse, or the rapture. As always with me, the idea was fine but it's always the execution that seems to fall short. Maths was DUUUULLL. Moving on, *SNORE*.
The afternoon started with History, where we looked back at all those poor people who had to work in the coal mines in the 1800-1900s. Basically if you were a miner in those times it only meant one thing: DEATH from malnutrition, DEATH from toxic fumes, DEATH from accidents with the machinary, DEATH from poor living quarters and DEATH from exhaustion. So in short: DEATH, DEATH AND MORE DEATH! In French we were supposed to print out our 'open letters' but as the printer wasn't working properly not alot went on. So we were reduced to doing grammer exercises for the rest of the hour: Y-A-Y. 

Tuesday was part totally insane and part BORING AS HELL!! Maths was so boring that it makes me shudder in horror just at the thought of writing about it. I'll be glad to get rid of this lesson when the Summer Holidays start in just under a months time. History was again horrible, exploring how exploited these poor peasants were, apparently they were allowed no less than THREE toilet breaks a day or they would be docked pay! Now thats just criminal! French was a study on something or another, I think it was a letter about this guy who was wrongly accused for treason or something during the Second World War...don't look at me I can barely remember those two hours of sheer 'bordanity'. Oh look, I created a new word! 
The afternoon was bonkers. We got on a bus at 1.50pm to go see this 'Spectacle' in Mauron called 'Les Fourberies De Scapin'. From start to finish I couldn't tell what the hell was going on (perhap's its a French thing?). Basically the entire thing was comedians/actors walking and talking in this circle of sand for two hours, and every now and then they would bob their heads back and forth going 'BOM, BOM, BOM, BOM, BOM!' while this pregnant girl started crying.....one of them was wearing this cartoony pig mask and I think the main character was called Scapin....look I have ABSOLUTELY no idea what this thing was on about. There were no sets or props to give an indication of the setting and most of the actors looked like they had just walked in with their normal clothes and started preforming! IT WAS COMPLETE AND UTTER MADNESS! MADNESS I TELL YOU!!!! To give the actors credit, they were pretty good, but I just couldn't tell what the &%$@ was going on!
Aw well, at least this two hour acid trip was better than an afternoon in School...

Wednesday was a full day opposed to the normal half-day because of the four day break. All the lessons we would have had on Friday we had on this day. I can summarize it all pretty quickly: 

Vie de Class = Quite good actually, we had to pick Music that we love and present it in the form of a diaporama to the Class. If you're interested, I decided to pick music from some of the Video-Games I absolutely adore (namely the Mass Effect Series).
History = Looked at how the big Industrialisation of Britain/Europe happened. Mainly just a bunch of greedy businessmen.
Permanence = BORING!
Science = Okay I suppose, lots of Homework to do for next time *GRUMBLE* *GRUMBLE*
English = Test on a little bit of everything. Went quite well but then it would, wouldn't it? 

So that was Last Week In School. If you're wondering what I did during my extra days off it was mostly drooling in anticipation for the lastest Doctor Who (and quite rightly so)! Well that and my Dad coming for the Weekend...yeah that aswell.


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