Wednesday 15 June 2011

This Week In School: Goodbye Lenin

This Week In School was a bit boring, but meh. I must have end of the year syndrome again...

Slight change of format this time, instead of taking it day by day I'm doing it subject by subject now. At the end I'll give my 'Rating' out of /10 and give my thoughts on the subject. I might also throw in a 'Best' and 'Worst' moment of the Week aswell. So without furthur ado, here's my recap of the previous Week In School:

This was actually one of the best lessons of the Week, Monday morning had us going on the computers doing these cute little German exercises. Most of them were easy but then all of a sudden they hit this massive learning curve and everything got pretty hard. Which was kinda funny, seen as the website was called 'Easy German!' Tuesday and Thursday afternoon had us watching a 2003 artsy foreign film called 'Goodbye Lenin' which was a nice film. Basically its set in 1989, when the Berlin wall fell and the two sides of Germany were finally reunited. Its focused on the life of this German family (one without a Husband/Dad as he fled and left the family behind all of a sudden), and it's sort of this tradgicomedy because the main character's mom Christiane, suffers a heart-attack just before the reunification and falls into a coma, and when she wakes up a year later with no memory of what has happened (and ALOT has happened since then) the son Alex has to basically lie to her about everything that's gone on in Germany because any shock or sudden relevation could bring about a second, possibly fatal heart attack. So he now has to go to these enormous lengths to ensure that she still thinks Germany is divided up into two, by creating false news reports or trying to find old food that isn't branded with any western market brands (Coca Cola and Burger King features prominently in the film, which is the most audacious bit of advertising I've ever seen, to the point where its a MAJOR plot point!) or redecorating an entire house to fit in with the communists way of life ect... It was a good film, and I felt genuine emotion for the most part. Unfortunately we didn't have time to see the ending, but I'm sure we'll catch the last 20 minutes on Tuesday.
So German was really good, and it was nice of the new Teacher to dedicate an entire Week to watching a nice little film: 8/10.

Not alot to talk about here, we only have one lesson every Week. Basically I was busy working on my 'Apocalypse = End Of The World?' banner/poster which was about the scandal Harold Camping had created last month ( The poster I made was a rather oblong looking earth being struck down by giant florescant lightning bolts, with the caption displayed in very wonky looking letters. Not my best bit of work to be honest, I'd rather type on the computer ANY day. Art this Week was short but sweet, and it was nice stretching those creative bones a bit (even though the execution was severely lacking): 8/10.

This Week we're making our model house (which is a bit of an overstatement, the final product will probably have the shape of a house, and thats it), which has been in the workings for quite some time now. Of course the Frenchie's made me do all the work for the first lesson, and when I did it all terribly wrong (the door was extremely lobsided) they just had to slate me for it. Sure, let the nice English guy do it! Honestly, we had to redo the door like three times because neither of us could get it right! Of course the other teams got it right first try, and they were waaay far ahead of us before the Teacher finally butted in and did it all for us. And to be honest, it didn't seem THAT hard! We only had to trace and cut out a plastic door for crying out loud! Surely that isn't beyond our abilitys? At least my last Test Result went well, a 13,5/15 which I honestly wasn't expecting. So the was a nice surprise, but right now I have the urge to F*CKING chuck that model house out the *&%$@ window! So Technology was a mixed, sometimes faustrating lesson this Week: 5/10

Erm...Sport was kinda alright this Week. But I still SUUUUCK at Frisbee! No, to be honest I had fun though, because my Team was so terrible at Frisbee last Week that we lost 2-15! NOT KIDDING! I swear to god that the green Frisbee is out to get me, because there hasn't been ONE lesson yet where the bloody thing HASN'T hit me in the face! Although I have noticed that nobody ever passes the Frisbee to me, which is probably why I keep sucking at both catching and throwing it. Not that anyone else is better though (we were just slightly more sh*t than the other Team). Football was an improvement, namely because I FINALLY MANAGED TO SCORE A FREKING GOAL! Well, technically it was just a pair of cones side by side and not an actual goal post but still! To be honest I don't now how I did it, perhaps it was my lucky moment or something? My Class didn't give any recognition though, the bastards. I scored one goal and then was terrible for the remainder of the time. *SIGH* At least I had my moment in the sunlight....Sport was a medicore 6/10.

*OUCH!* *SIGH!* *SNORE!* *KILLMENOW!* are just SOME of the abjectifs I would use to describe this lesson. How can something take up five hours of your life every Week and you can't even remember what happened? Now THAT is a real snooze-fest. But if your interested my brain does recollect the memories of us using metaphores and comparaisons in really boring sentences for most of that time. Heck it was so boring that it actually put my Class to sleep, which if you're familiar with my last Blog post's is nigh on impossible! French gets a apocalyptic 1/10, being one of the most uninteresting subjects E-V-E-R in the History of well...History!

It was alright for the most part. We continued to look at the industrial revolution last Week, but whereas last time we looked at the poor and decrepid these lessons were focused on the big winners of that era, namely the big fat greedy business guys who were COMPLETE and UTTER asseholes. It got gradually better though, after a while more rights were given to the people working in the mine shafts but that was after a ton more revolts, uprisings and countless more gallons of blood spilt. Aaah, nothing like a nice mining accident killing 1500 people on a Friday morning! So yeah, for what it's worth History was alright, but its not one of the most compelling subjects this Year: 6/10.

In Science this Week we...learnt that in a derivational circuit the mesure of intensity in the primary circuit equals the sum of the two other secondary circuits! So basically A + B = C. Yeah, not alot to comment on as it was only one lesson. But hey, it was alright (again), I suppose messing around with electricity is fun: 7/10.

Again only one lesson. This week we looked at some old silent Charlie Chaplin films and noted the piano-y music that would always change mood and (in some ways) tell the Story without the means of any dialogue what-so-ever. Can I just ask though, if they could add music to the film, why not add voices? It would be interesting to hear Charlie Chaplin talk for once! Anyway I'm digging music this Week, and slapstick comedy never fails to make me chuckle: 9/10.

Maths was fine this Week, and by that I mean that I didn't look at my watch and go 'Oh crud, now we've got Maths, might as well repent to Satan now!' The formula is always the same: first off we correct the Homework and then from there on it's just endless exercises with maybe a few more rules thrown in for good mesure, which does get grating after seven months of doing the same thing. Extra Maths is just as terrible as ever though, good god I felt like my eyeballs was about to be sucked out it was so boring! Maths was passable, but just barely: 5/10

English is always fun, this Week we had to create our 'Dream House'. As you can imagine we all had fun creating wacky idea's, and I ended up drawing a sort of really posh, haute technology shack with a massive HDTV in every room and a large Cinema area. The most imaginative idea was the Jacuzzi built into the bedroom James Bond style. Also I got my average for this Trimestre: an excellent 19,67/20 which is 2nd in the Class overall but I'll think you'll find that out of the entire year (that's all 3 of the Trimestres combined) I come out as first place with 19,87/20 Overall. So you could kinda say that I lost the battle but won the war? English gets a 9/10, hands down for never being boring.

Vie De Class:
Nothing to really comment about here. The Teacher just let us do our thing on the computers while she brought us up to her desk one by one to tell us whether we've passed into 3eme or not. Of course I'm going through, heck they'd be mad to not let me in after a solid year of Results! 8/10, just for the great news.

So Overall it was alright I suppose, but lets face it, we're pretty much out the door at this point. We haven't had any Homework or Tests for AGES now and the final reports have already been made, so these last few Weeks are much more laidback than saaay the January period when it was just a Testing and Homework marathon day in, day out. French can go to hell though, wait til' you find out what we're doing this Week, its got to be the most embarassing thing EVER!

Best Moment Of The Week:  Finally scoring a goal in Sport.
Worst Moment Of The Week: Cocking up in Technology. BLASTED MODEL!

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