Sunday, 29 January 2012

This Week In School: The Result...

So how was the Week after Les Epreuves Communes? Fine for the most part, and I got all of my Results back so you can finally see how well I did:

French: We haven't got the Test back yet (due to some reason about scheduling and the Teacher forgetting her papers) but I do know my final score as she read it out aloud to the Class: 21,5/40 or 10,75/20 in more relatable terms. It's pretty much exactly what I expected, and I wouldn't be surprised if I got 0/10 in the dictation and earned most of the points with the reading comprehension and the redaction. We also had a short dictation (yes, ANOTHER one) at the end of the Week in which I scored 10/20. Again, it's very average but it's the most I can hope for with this subject. In Class we did a chapter on Charles De Gaulle (for some reason) and studied a few of his speeches, analysing the techniques he used to rally his audience. It was rather interesting stuff actually, and I was looking forward to every lesson on this subject. This Week seemed especially concentrated on the 1900s era what with History, Art and this subject.  

History: Ah, History. Well it didn't turn out bad, but didn't exactly turn out good either! I scored 22/40, and you can't get more mediocre than that now can you? In fact, I couldn't have been any more mediocre because I literally scored half of the points in EVERYTHING. In the History section I got 9/18 (4/8 on the questions and 5/10 on the argumentative paragraph), in Civic Education I got 6/12 (2/4 on the questions and 4/8 on the argumentative paragraph) and the section on the chronological time-frame (were you had to put different historic events in order, with or without the dates) got me 3/6! I should also point out that spelling gave me another four points, so at least I wasn't mediocre in that??? In Class we finished our chapter on the financial crisis of the 1930's and Hitler's rise to power, it was probably one of the most engaging few lessons I've had in a while. Hitler is like the ultimate baddie for many people, and to think that he was even elected Chancellor at the time by the German government is almost incomprehensible to us younglings. Really, really intriguing stuff. I look forward to the Test next Week...

English: I scored 17,2/20. Why did I lose those last three points? You probably won't believe this, but I accidentally (despite several read-through's of the Test) missed one question in the Test! How I managed to skim over that question I don't know, but I did. It wasn't even hard, you just had to circle the correct picture! I got top marks in everything else though, my paragraph on American Schools got a 30/30 and the comprehension Test garnered 20/20. If it wasn't for that section on six points that I SOMEHOW managed to skip over then I'd have easily full points across the board. Look it was a long and tiring day okay? You're bound to make stupid mistakes even if you put the most amount of precaution into everything. Unfortunately for me though, I made quite a few mistakes... In Class we looked at an extract of 'The Truman Show' as part of our new chapter on Reality T.V. It was fun I guess, but we had to watch it over and over again so it quickly lost it's fun-ness.

Maths: If you take away the fact that I didn't complete the Test (and as a Result lost NINE FRIGGING POINTS) then I should have scored 20,5/30. But nope she still counted that section into my Result, so I therefore have 21,5/40! Like I said before, I think the Test was poorly timed and just because I cocked up a bit on one question SHOULDN'T mean a significant loss of nine points. *SIGH* Well at least in the parts that I DID manage to complete I was competent in, and for the most part the mistakes were few and far between, it's just I shame that I didn't finish it all in time and that's all it comes down to in the end. Maths this Week started was a bit on the iffy side because we've started using the 'Cos', 'Tan' and 'Sin' buttons on our calculator as part of the exercises and it was a bit confusing trying to decide which one to use! I was much more skilled by the end of the Week though thanks to the Maths Teacher's incessant watch on me. You constantly feel like she's on your case, if you know what I mean...  

Science: Another good score added to my list, 16,32/20 or 24,5/30. Quite frankly this was a relief because I had just received my Score for History and Maths and was feeling pretty defeated when this came along. As per usual, everything I touch in Science turns into Test gold, and has stayed that way for some time now due it being SO GOD DAMNED EASY. In Class we've started a new chapter on how to find ions in a solution, which involved putting a 'reactive' solution into a solution containing a specific type of ion, and watching the colours that form when the two are combined. I had to use my lab coat again for this experiment, but thankfully I came prepared this time and tucked my shirt well in so it wouldn't get tangled over my face... So yes all in all very pleased with Science. 

S.V.T:  Another good turn out, although I was expecting the score to be good: 15,4/20 or 18/24. This was one of the easiest Tests alive, so that explains my sudden leap in quality. In Class we're looking at phagocytes and white anti-bodies as part of our chapter on the immune system. It was okay, at least I wasn't tearing my eyes out with boredom!

Technology: I didn't fair that well with this one: 11/20. Like I've said before, I felt a bit confused and some of the questions were rather hard. The result was a steaming pile of mediocrity, and just like English and Maths was the Result of a few silly mistakes. In Class we're trying to find solutions for what the support will be for our information panel: I researched aluminium poles and my co-partners researched treated wood. All in all it was alright, but still disengaging.  

History Of Art: Another clunker of a subject, here I only scored 8,75/20! The Results were terrible across the board though, the year average being 7,82/20. I was simply not up for this one, and it shows. 

Well that's all the subjects on Les Epreuves Communes done, my Overall average was 12,65/20 which demonstrates the up and down quality of my Results. It's a mixed bag, and that's because it was hard and at times it seemed almost unfair. No, it isn't a gleaming pile of perfection, but then what is? I did my best and I'm proud for it! 

Sport: I was put in one of the worst teams ever, but at least I wasn't alone this time! We had mini-matches of both Football and Basketball and sorely got our asses beat in both. 

Art: We looked at a film clip of Charlie Chaplin's 'Modern Times' and had to draw a sketch about the mise en scene of the scene and how you would structure it if you were doing the scene in a play. From a creative standpoint it was extremely interesting, and the time flew by.

Music: We had a Test on 'Music in commercials'. The Teacher showed you a commercial and you had to decompose it using those posh sounding words that we looked at in Class. It was oh so easy but all you had to do was revise and you'd pretty much won it anyway. I scored 16,5/20 Overall.

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