Friday 2 September 2011

Doctor Who: Let's Kill Hitler

So Doctor Who came back onto our screens last Saturday with the enjoyable romp ‘Let’s Kill Hitler’. This Episode was packed with gags and one-liners that probably made it one of the most comedy-centric Episodes yet. You’ve got to give it to the writer, Steven Moffat, for coming up with some of this stuff!

So the Episode kicks off in an extremely unexpected way, which depending on your personal tastes, could either lose you completely  or make you salivate with anticipation. Me personally, I loved every second of it. It starts off brilliantly, Amy and Rory in that mini driving round all cinema style in the cornfield coming face to face with the Doctor for the first time since Demons Run, and then *BAM* a red sports car comes zooming out of the field at 100mph nearly running them all over. You think it’s going to be River but OH NO, It’s one of Amy and Rory’s friends, a woman called Mels who randomly pulls out a gun, and screams ’What the hell, lets kill Hitler!’ Now if you were me, you’d be giggling about how wonderfully barmy this entire thing is and that Doctor Who is now well and truly back on the air, or you could be scratching your head wondering what the hell just happened. Anyway, after the show’s intro we get this cute flashback that explains just who Mel is and how she came to know the two leads. It also has the nice addition of showing how Amy and Rory got hooked up (ten years not even saying a word? Good god that guy is more shy than me!). Oh, and yes I was smart enough to catch the hints about who Mels really is:

1. Mels could be short for Melody.
2. She acts like a more annoying version of River Song.
3. Amy was acting quite odd around Mels, it was almost like she was the mother and Mels was the Daughter…

Then we go to 1938’s Berlin! Here we’re introduced to the Tesselecta, which is basically ripped off from a Beano comic strip entitled ’The Numskulls’. So Humans from the future developed time travel, miniaturised themselves so they could all fit inside a Robot, and basically went back in time to punish old war criminals AFTER they’d done their despicable deeds so they could punish and eventually, kill them? That could be the basis for an Episode on its own but they’re hunting down the fuhrer himself, Adolf Hitler! Only on Doctor Who…
Of course the Tardis crash lands before the Tesselecta can kill him and the Doctor has now inadvertedly just saved Hitler’s life! What ensues basically ends up with Hitler being punched by Rory and then sent to the cupboard (isn’t that just four different kinds of awesome?), Mels being shot and the Robot flat out fainting in front of them. Cue the sad music, and just when Mels is going to die……Steven Moffat drops a bombshell bigger than an atomic bomb on our heads. Wrap your heads around this, ladies and gentlemen: Remember how Amy has been complaining that she’s going to miss out on all the years bringing her kid up? Well it turns out that all this time Amy HAS been bringing her daughter up, but it’s been in the form of her best friend, Mels. Who then regenerates into RIVER SONG, WHO PROCEEDS TO GO BATSH*T INSANE AND INTENTIONALLY POISON THE DOCTOR! What. The. Hell. Did someone spike my glass of milk or something. This has got to be either one of the greatest twists of all time just because of how screwed up this whole Melody fiasco now is! Lets just recap the timeline from the character's point of view shall we? 

River Song/Melody Pond/Mels point of view:

1. A Good Man Goes To War (aka the last episode):

Melody Pond is born, daughter of Amy and Rory after she was conceived in the Tardis. Being conceived in the time machine granted her Timelord powers that can be used by the bad guys to fight the Doctor in the war against him. She’s like the ultimate weapon for them, because she can both regenerate and has super strength or something (she broke out of the Astronaut’s suit remember, implying great strength but it hasn't properly been adressed in the show...yet). So the bad guys, lead by Madame Kovarian the eye patch lady smuggle her out of the space station by planting a decoy ganger of the baby to fool Amy and Rory, believing they‘ve rescued their daughter and everything is all safe and happy.

2. The Impossible Astronaut/Day Of The Moon:  

Bang ahead a few years and she’s now in the possession of the Silence for some unknown reason, merely a little girl that’s been seemingly experimented on and confined to an Astronaut suit which also acts as a life support system. The Silence are keeping her for some unknown reason, although it is speculated that they’re working for Madame Kovarian or vice versa. Thing is about the Silence is that we know little to nothing about them, yet they seemingly destroyed the universe last season by blowing up the Tardis and creating the cracks in time, which was odd because this hasn't been brought up yet. Anyway, Melody manages to escape her suit by viciously ripping and clawing her way out of it like some Herculean monster and ends up in an alleyway in New York six months later regenerating. Now presumably she regenerates into young Mels, but how she gets from the streets of New York in 1970 to being the early friends of Amy and Rory nearly decades later without aging at all is anyone’s guess. 

Let’s Kill Hitler:

Mels has now been brainwashed by the bad guys (clearly keeping close tabs on her) to kill the Doctor, also she’s turned into this obnoxious brat that steals buses and is slightly on the nutty side. She’s living with her parents in secret so she can one day meet up with the Doctor and kill him stone dead. When she does eventually meet him, she takes the opportunity to go to 1938’s Berlin so she can have some fun before killing him (She’s obviously got a gripe with Hitler or something). Unfortunately she gets accidentally shot by Hitler and regenerates into a much more mature blonde woman just before she drops the bomb to her parents/best friends that she is, in fact, their daughter! Fun aside, she wastes no time in dispatching the Doctor with some deadly poison and riding off on a motorbike creating havok in Berlin. She stops off at a Nazi party to obtain her new ’look’ but unfortunately the Tesselecta appears and try’s to kill/punish/torture her for killing the Doctor. Luckily the Doctor, now dressed in a top hat and posh attire, appears with only minutes to live to parley with the Robot. It should be noted that Melody is now a complete and utter psychopath and couldn’t give two craps about anything. That is, until she realises who she will become. The Doctor keeps calling her River Song for some reason, and when she questions this to the struggling/dying Doctor he whispers something inaudible to her ear that not only makes her pilot the Tardis (apparently the Tardis taught her how the pilot her) and save her parents but also gives up all her remaining regenerations to save the Doctor after she finds out that River Song will be a future version of her. Realising that she could be so much more than a cold hearted assassin she somehow overrides her programming and saves the man who she was originally going to assassinate! She wakes up in a futuristic Hospital days later, a mysterious Tardis shaped diary by her bedside table and a craving to know more about the Doctor. She then joins the lunar academy so she can become an archaeologist and hopefully one day track down and find the Doctor again.

The Impossible Astronaut/Day Of The Moon:

River has at this point in time had many adventures with the Doctor and has perhaps had some romantic involvement with him, it is very unclear and to be honest I’m not sure that is what comes next in her timeline. I’ve only chosen this one as next chronologically because she seems slightly more young and flirty, so it could still be set in her early days but years ahead of the time when she was a brainwashed assassin. This is were it gets confusing, because their possibly could be three different Melody Ponds from three different timelines intercepting each other here. For starters, she’s now in prison for killing a ’Good Man’ which is most certainly the Doctor by now, but whether or not it’s her in the Astronaut suit (but which version of Melody?) killing the future Doctor in 2011 in a complete different story. She's also the young girl in the other astronsuit as well! Anyway, here she’s fully aware that the older she gets, the less and less the Doctor will know her and it sort of undermines the tragedy of their relationship. Because the Doctor is a time traveller he’s bound to meet people in the wrong order, and it’s increasingly looking like River’s first day will be the Doctor’s last and River’s last will be the Doctor’s first! So basically it’s a relationship made in hell. Whether or not River Song is concealing information about the future from the rest of the Tardis crew is unlikely, but she could know a lot more than she’s letting on about the Doctor’s death. Heck, for all we know River Song has never left her assassin ways and has been intricately plotting his ’true’ death for ages now? This lovey-dovey-save-the-world and hint at a real relationship thing could be complete and utter toss! Either way you look at it Melody Ponds timeline is all over the place, she’s been to loads of different time periods, brainwashed and regenerated at least three times, not to mention both love a man who doesn’t fully know her yet! It’s like a puzzle piece, and many pieces are still left to be slotted into place about her life, namely who the big bad who is orchestrating these events is? My guess is the Silence, they’re like the Doctor Claw or the Emperor Palpatine of the Whouniverse. 

The Pandorica Opens/The Big Bang:

Nothing much to add here, but these Episodes show how much she cares for the Doctor at least. Also, she’s still being held in prison for killing someone and when the Doctor asks: ’River are you married? Have you married me?’ She simply reply’s ’yes’. This could hint that she really is the Doctor’s Wife from the future.

Time Of Angels/Flesh and Stone:   

Nothing much to add here either, but she’s acting a lot like an old wife in the way that her and the Doctor bicker so I would put this very late in Melody Pond’s timeline.

Silence In The Library/Forest Of The Dead

This was a David Tennant Episode from four years ago and marks the end of River Song/Melody Pond/Mels timeline, because well, she dies. She sacrifices herself to save everyone in the Library, but before she does she manages to hint a hell-of-alot about their relationship. She knows the Doctor’s name, has a diary filled with spoilers from his future and claims to even be romantically involved in him. This the tradedy of their relationship come full circle because she is about to die and he knows NOTHING about her. Perhaps the most tantalising hint ever is given as well: ’River, you whispered my name in my ear. There’s only one time I can tell anyone that, only one time I could!’ to which she replies ’Shhh Spoilers’ before putting on the headset and having her brain fried to mush. It isn’t quite over yet though, because the future Doctor has a screwdriver with a copy of her mind on it and David Tennant’s Doctor implants that into the Library’s computer core so she can live forever in cyberspace. 

So that’s pretty much all we know about River Song so far then. There was loads of stuff that I left out of course, like incredibly complicated jokes that has to do with all the interconnecting timelines. I mean come on, I’m not that geeky am I? You can read the full 'full' story HERE.

So back to Let’s Kill Hitler: I thought the Episode was brilliant and lots of fun. The CGI was good, the dialogue was snappy, it was never boring and we got several fangasms as well (Rose, Martha, Donna…)! Yes, this was an Episode that relished in it’s bonker-ness and I loved it ear to ear. The only real criticism is that they wasted so many good idea’s too quickly, (I.e Hitler, Tesselecta, River Song’s beginning, Amy and Rory’s relationship ect…) much like 'The Doctor's Wife' and yet Steven Moffat has still managed to cram all these ideas into an Episode that is barely 45 minutes long and make it all work. The guy is a genius, simply put. And I also found Mels character a bit annoying before she turned into River Song.

So minor niggles aside, Lets Kill Hitler is funny, action packed and adds another piece to the already expanding puzzle of Melody Pond. God I love this show.    

P.S What's the most asked question in the universe? The question that, when answered Silence Will Fall? 

Doctor Who? of course!  


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