Friday 30 September 2011

Doctor Who: Closing Time

I liked this Episode for the most part, but it nonetheless suffers from the same problems that last years 'The Lodger' (also featuring Craig) had. There's always that odd episode every Season just before the Finale where the ongoing plot-lines are put to a halt and the primary focus is on someone else that isn't part of the main cast. These 'lite' episodes are generally cheap to make and the roles of the three leads are either sidelined or non-existent. This year was Amy and Rory's turn, which I suppose makes the ending to the last episode fall down a bit because it would seem that the writers only wrote them out of the show so they could save money! Oh well let's hope they come back in time for the expensive looking Finale eh? Anyway not to say that these episodes aren't fun, it's just that they feel a bit filler-y as a result, and the endings are normally a bit on the crappy side.  But did the positives in 'Closing Time' outweigh the negatives?    

If I was the say what was the best bit about the last Episode, it would definitely be the scenes with The Doctor and Craig hands down. Same thing with 'The Lodger' as well, Matt Smith and James Corden work extremely well together (almost too well if you know what I mean), and although I wouldn't like to see Craig become a proper companion he plays the classic straight, average joe so well and so believable that when he meets the zany 'I'M A KID!' alien from outer space sparks just fly off the screen. The addition this time of Alfie (aka Stormageddon) make this Episode one hell of a Triple Act. But everything else that wasn't about the baby, Craig or the Doctor? Either 'meh' or poor in my opinion, but it was nice to see the old lady from 'Come Outside' appear again after all these years. Man, I used to love that T.V show, shame they couldn't have got the dog Pippin in there as well..

Right, now one 'Shuuush!' joke was funny, but two more after that? Perhaps a bit overused? Oh yeah and when the Cybermat sprouted teeth (nice little scene that), I totally saw that coming! And can I just say that I hate whoever does the Doctor Who marketing team? Once again I'll have to get the remote control toy version of the Cybermat when it inevitably  comes out for Christmas...along with the Cyber conversion toy set, the Sonic Cane...and the Silence action figurines...with the Cyber Spaceship playset...*LOOKS AT AMAZON* NOOOOO!!!!!! SO EXPENSIVE BUT SUCH A MUST BUY! OMG, THEY'VE JUST RELEASED A NEW DALEK TOY! WELL WHEN I SAY 'NEW' IT'S MORE LIKE A MINOR COLOUR CHANGE TO THE EYESTALK...BUT STILL! I MUST HAVE THE COMPLETE COLLECTION ARGHHH!!!!    

No I'm just joking, I don't really want a remote control Cybermat toy for Christmas (or do I?). So part of the Episode was obviously dedicated to a toy commercial (complete with the Doctor working in a Toy-store showing off all the new toys to flocks of unsuspecting kids, wow very subtle there producers!) and some of the jokes weren't all that funny, but what about the Cybermen? Wasn't this Episode supposed to be like their 'big' return or something after a few years?

This was an absolute waste of a Cyberman Episode, if you can call it that. The Cybermen were barely in it for crying out loud! And here's me thinking that the brief cameo in A Good Man Goes To War was just a teaser for what's to come? They were a joke, barely showing up til' the end of the Episode and then being swiftly (and easily) defeated with 'love'. BULLSH*T! Never have I seen such a poor ending to an Episode that featured a classic Doctor Who monster in all my life, the Cybermen were defeated by the fat guy from Gavin and Stacey for crying out loud! They were weak to the point of frustration and could have been any other Monster of the Week to be quite frank. And what's annoying is the fact that the writer of this Episode Gareth Roberts obviously KNOWS this, because at the very end even the Doctor blurts out 'Highly sentimental and a bit simplistic I suppose, but yes Craig, you blew them up with love'. Just because you make a joke out of it doesn't make it okay you know?! Up until the bit when Craig miraculously pulled himself out of the Cyber conversion-thingy the Episode was very likable but that monstrosity of a technobable was irredeemable, and highly unoriginal. I mean under Moffat's reign, how many story's have ended with 'love' being the answer to saving the day? Let's count: Victory Of The Daleks, The Lodger, Curse Of The Black Spot, The Big Bang, Night Terrors, and arguably Let's Kill Hitler (but I'll give that one a pass). Okay, now one 'love saves the day' ending is excusable, but seriously it's becoming a bit embarrassing as far as Doctor Who 'get out of there' free cards go. Hopefully the Finale won't cock the ending up big time like this Episode did...

Oh wait, what's THIS? *GASPS* River Song? Mme Kovarian aka Eye-patch Lady? *DOUBLE GASP* The Silence?! YES! Finally they return, and hopefully they clear up ALOT of the dangling plot threads next Episode. Although not necessarily a relevation, I felt that the last 3 minutes had nothing to do with this Episode and felt a bit out of place. Having said that though, it is a darn cool teaser for the Finale!

So 'Closing Time' was a good Episode, up until that ending. It's probably my second least favorite Episode of the Season so far (Curse Of The Black Spot still holds that crown) but that doesn't make it unwatchable at all. Just skip over the bit when they're in the Cyber Ship near the end and you should be fine.  

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